How to write copy that’s unignorable

To capture and keep people’s attention with your marketing, you need to shake them awake from their daily trudge through life. Here’s how to do it with words.

How to speak like your customers speak

Do you take it for granted that your customers understand how your business works, or what your products do? If so, you need to speak their language.

Is your branding putting people off?

The name of your company, your brands, and your products and services are more important than you realise. Make sure you’re not committing a mortal sin.

5 ways to write better Facebook posts

Enhancing brand “me” is easier than you think on Facebook. Follow these dead easy tips to creating better posts and you’ll start racking up the Likes.

The Copywriter’s Curse

Working as a copywriter comes with a few pitfalls. And if you’re not careful, they can begin to take over your life. Are you affected by the curse?

How to take copywriting criticism well

Every copywriter knows what it’s like to have their work ripped to shreds. Here’s how you can transform everything that’s bad about rejection into a force for good.

5 ways to combat copywriter’s block

If you ever find yourself at a copywriting standstill, there are loads of easy ways to get around the creative roadblock. Give one or two of my tried and tested methods a whirl.

28 reasons to buy 12 Swan Court

What’s that? You’re thinking about buying a new place? You know that location is everything? And you don’t want the best flat in Prenton to slip through your fingers? Well More